Donate to An Amazing Cause

At Student Career Studio, we strive to provide equitable access and resources to underrepresented collegiate students for their career development. We can extend our impact and support to more students with your donation.


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At Student Career Studio, our aim is to bridge the gap that exists in campus career centers and provide equal access and resources to underrepresented collegiate students for their career development. We believe that all students should have access to opportunities, regardless of the college they attend. Our platform offers a range of scholarships, internships, leadership opportunities, and conferences, which students can easily access without navigating multiple sites.

Our scholarship program is unique as we have lowered the barrier of entry to enable more students to apply.  In 2023, we plan to award $20,000 in scholarships to deserving students across the country.

Throughout the year, we partner with companies and organizations to provide technical and soft skills workshops, job shadowing, sponsor student attendance at conferences, and access to multiple learning platforms. Our vision is to equip students with skills that are vital in the real world but are not taught on campus.

Consider supporting Student Career Studio by making a donation today. Your contribution will help us provide underrepresented collegiate students with equitable access to scholarships, internships, and leadership opportunities, and help us achieve our goals.  Thank you for your support!

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Student Career Studio