Your Future Starts Today

I remember how stressed out I was as a student, trying to focus on making sure I had good grades, money to pay for school, all while trying to balance my social life with friends and memberships in campus organizations.  It was really challenging.  

I’ve learned that not all campus career centers are equal.  Some schools have the resources to provide the students with professional development and a plethora of opportunities to take part in, while others may only have limited excess.  It can also be overwhelming when searching for an internship or scholarships for school.  There are so many different websites with a ton of information to filter through.  

I know how you feel. I've been there before and I know many others that have as well. The good news is, we at Student Career Studio are here to help!

I’m Calicia Johnson, founder of Student Career Studio.

I’ve worked at Fortune 500 companies my entire career and have been a University Recruiter for over 10yrs.  I noticed that companies had numerous opportunities that are not filled by underrepresented college students. After further research,  I found that opportunities were open to all students, however only certain colleges/universities were really sending students through the pipeline. 

Thus, the birth of Student Career Studio.

Student Career Studio is a growing HUB of career development and career opportunity for college students looking to further their professional  development and career readiness.  We are bridging the gap between opportunities and students by providing access to scholarships, internships, and leadership programs to underrepresented college students. Students just like you.

Because I have been where you are, I am able to help you reach your goals. Just send us an email and we will get started! 

See you on the inside 🙂